Hootie's Family Tree Mini Rig
Sold OutThe Hootie Family Tree Mini Rig features a bold mother owl and her two adorable fledglings as they roost in their comfortable home.
Designed with a 14m female ground joint on a reinforced banger hanger, a fully worked 3-Hole a percolator, this water pipe functions beautifully. From the initial inhalation to the pull of the last drag, the smoothness of this piece will astound any owl loving toker. "Hoo" wants a hit? Owl take two!
- Intricate Work On Borosilicare Glass
- Fully Worked Three-Hole Diffuser
- Reinforced Banger Hanger
- 14.5mm Female; Ground Joint
Height: 7.25" Base Diameter: 3.0" Width: 4.0" Weight: 460 Grams
*Individually Handcrafted Art Piece - Limited Quantity and Availability